Retirement Age – Born in March 1954
Born in March 1954
What is my retirement age if I was born in March 1954?

If you were born in March 1954 you might be wondering what is your retirement age and by this we mean what age can you claim your State pension in the UK?

There have been (and continue to be) lots of changes to State pension ages in recent years and the retirement age for both men and women has increased beyond age 65 for people born after 1953.

At this point retirement ages (or dates) are equal for men and women having both been changed in recent times.

So if you are a man or a woman who was born in March 1954 then your retirement date is specified depending on which part of the month you were born in as follows:

If you were born between 1st and 5th March 1954 (inclusive) then your retirement date is set at 6th July 2019, i.e. at age 65 and 4 months.

If you were born between 6th and 31st March 1954 (inclusive) then your retirement date is set at 6th September 2019, i.e. at between age 65 and 5 months and 65 and 6 months.

You can see from this that there is a big gap of 2 months in their retirement date of people born on the 5th as opposed to the 6th of March. Pension ages continue to increase by 2 months for people born in 1954 and you can find more information about other retirement ages for those born in 1954 here.

You will receive a form to claim your State pension about 4 months before it is due. If you do not get anything then you can chase it up. You will need to actually fill in a form to claim your pension so don’t expect to get it automatically. Check out more details here.