Retirement Age – Born in 1985

Last updated on April 10th, 2023

Retirement age - born in 1985We know that a lot of people are searching out what age they may be able to draw their state pension in the UK when they finally get to retire, and it can be difficult to know what your retirement age may be as the rules keep changing. So for those who are born in 1985, your retirement date at present will be your 68th birthday.

Current legislation (the Pensions Act 2014) has set a retirement age of 68 for those born after 1975. This is unlikely to be delayed as it is now legislated, but there is a chance that it will be brought forward (both independent reviews have recommended it is brought forward). Bringing this forward would not affect your retirement age.

However, there may be legislation in future which brings in a change to the State Pension age to 69, which may catch you out.

The second independent review recommended a change to 69 for those who were born after 1977 but this will be reassessed at the next independent review. Life expectancy rates are stalling so this may be a precursor to the stalling of increases in retirement ages.

Many people think that there may not still be a state pension when they retire (and in your case this will be in 2053 as things stand), but there would need to be a big change in the structure of the welfare state for things to change radically. This would require a lot of consultation and we feel it unlikely that the state pension will change significantly over the next 20-30 years, given that there was a major change in the calculation of the state pension in 2016. However, nothing is set in stone and so funding for a pension yourself is always a good idea if that is possible.

If you were born in a different year then you can find out your retirement date by putting your year of birth into the search box on this website.

Updated April 2023